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Join our big market in Loren Market map!

If you buy or sell items, visit our big market in Loren Market map! To sell items in offline mode, first open your personal store and then use /offtrade command.

Register for the castle siege event!

Join the ultimate battle between Escape MU's strongest guilds! Talk to NPC Guardsman in Valley of Loren to register for the event.


At Escape MU combo skill is available for all character classes, not only for Dark Knight.


New PvP event! The key mission is for the Guild Master to keep the left side throne in Devias 3 occupied as long as possible and do not let other guilds take over it. Register every day at 18:20 with the following command: /regicewind
Top Rankings
1Duple KnightSzeplaki1,600220,120
2Glory WizardHunWizard1,600112,195
3Royal ElfElisa1,600102,970
4Ignition KnightHarcos1,60094,325
5Duple KnightMagnesio1,60074,860
6Magnus Gun Crusher4iNaZeS1,60071,910
7Force EmpireHunEmperor1,60056,825
8Phantom Pain KnightCofffee1,60056,660
9Endless SummonerCaitlyn1,60054,655
10Magic KnightxXIndio90752,800
11Ignition KnightKillah1,60050,880
12Arcane LancerTaLoco1,60050,785
13Rogue SlayerObLIVioN1,60046,960
14Rogue SlayerDeSySeXyBG1,39946,895
15Glory WizardCokayne1,60046,400
16Mystic MageSportage95244,945
17Darkness Wizardalnnie1,60042,375
18Empire LordBujia90642,310
19Shining LancerTamari78841,705
20Duple KnightMataDioses1,20141,385
21Rogue SlayerHunSlayer1,60041,210
22Magnus Gun CrusherHunCrusher1,60036,925
23Darkness WizardSPO1Pakwan1,60036,530
24Duple KnightOldSpice1,60036,375
25Force EmpireHellRock661,25834,640
Last update on 15 Feb, 2025 - 09:27 AM