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Join our big market in Loren Market map!

If you buy or sell items, visit our big market in Loren Market map! To sell items in offline mode, first open your personal store and then use /offtrade command.

Register for the castle siege event!

Join the ultimate battle between Escape MU's strongest guilds! Talk to NPC Guardsman in Valley of Loren to register for the event.


At Escape MU combo skill is available for all character classes, not only for Dark Knight.


New PvP event! The key mission is for the Guild Master to keep the left side throne in Devias 3 occupied as long as possible and do not let other guilds take over it. Register every day at 18:20 with the following command: /regicewind
Top Rankings
1Arcane LancerValkyrie1,600259,853,655
2Royal ElfElisa1,600179,749,867
3Duple KnightDMsPeLL941,600161,533,602
4Phantom Pain KnightRedSpeLL941,600156,463,444
5Fist BlazerBIGBOY1,60076,795,879
6Force EmpireHunEmperor1,60073,686,301
7Glory WizardTRUMP1,60071,620,587
8Ignition KnightIlll1,60071,211,222
9Arcane LancerAzoka1,60066,395,651
10Dragon KnightSIRO1,60063,936,146
11Dragon KnightBondu3l1,22761,766,428
12Darkness WizardlIll1,60059,530,820
13Fist BlazerNocturnus1,60056,739,275
14Fist BlazerSaturnus1,60056,196,992
15Duple KnightAlphaquita1,60054,814,355
16Ignition KnightNNNam1,60047,944,332
17Glory WizardRenegatu1,60044,289,294
18Rogue SlayerFify1,60044,058,083
19Bloody Fighterllll1,60043,967,060
20Force EmpireLukaS11,60042,537,357
21Arcane LancerONESLASH1,60042,271,105
22Magnus Gun CrusherlIIl1,60038,028,127
23Ignition KnightSwellLife1,60037,809,388
24Duple KnightSzeplaki1,60031,906,477
25Ignition KnightOzaki1,60031,738,247
Last update on 27 Jul, 2024 - 09:50 AM